THC Free Hemp Oil (1x)

from $35.00

Experience all the benefits of hemp oil, completely free of THC with our expertly-crafted blend. Our oil is loaded with a variety of unoxidezed cannabinoids, fats, vitamins, minerals, and phyto-nutrients from the hemp plant, all in their natural and living state.

With an optimal balance of Omega 6 and Omega 3 essential fatty acids and a full-spectrum of unoxidized cannabinoids, this is a true powerhouse.

THC Free Hemp Oil is entirely THC-free, derived from organic hemp grown in the USA, and produced in a chemical-free lab. We ensure top-notch quality by having our product regularly third-party tested. Our oils are raw and pure, with no additives, preservatives, or flavorings, and require refrigeration.

THC Free Hemp Oil comes in a 1 oz / 30 ml or 4 oz / 120 ml bottle, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

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Remember, the key to success is taking daily!

Keep in mind that taking hemp products is not a one-time solution. To experience long-lasting benefits, it's best to take them daily. Consistency is key when consuming hemp products. Having a routine and taking your dose at the same time each day can help your body adjust to the effects and maintain the benefits.
So, don't skip your daily dose. Keep track of how much you're taking and how it affects you. Adjust the dose if needed or seek guidance from a healthcare professional. Maintaining a regular dose will lead to success in managing your stress, anxiety and overall well-being.

Why do you use 1x, 5x, and 10x and what does it mean?

Using concentration levels, such as 1X, 5X, or 10X, instead of specific milligrams (mg), provides a way to describe the strength or potency of a product in a relative and standardized manner.

We offer a range of options with concentration levels increasing from 1X to 5X to 10X. For individuals starting out or seeking a milder experience, the 1X CBDA Hemp Capsules or THC-Free Hemp Oil are ideal choices. Those with more experience or requiring a bit more potency may find the 5X Regular Strength CBDA Oil to be well-suited. Reserved for situations demanding heightened potency, the 10X Maximum Strength CBDA Oil is designed to address more intense, specific needs due to its elevated concentration of CBDA. It's all about finding the right fit for your vibe and specific wellness goals.